A septic tank is an essential impermeable underground chamber that uses natural bacteria to break down the solids in wastewater into basic elements that can then be absorbed into the surrounding soil. Septic systems can last for decades with proper installation and use. However, the functioning and durability depend on whether the septic installation is done correctly or not.
Many septic systems are installed incorrectly. Proper septic installation is essential to ensure the septic system works properly and does not leak or overflow. Here are four septic installation tips to follow to make sure your septic system is installed correctly and operates safely and efficiently:
Septic System Size Matters
Septic system sizing is crucial because the septic tank needs to be able to accommodate the wastewater of not only the present but also the future. A septic tank too small will quickly become overloaded with solids, resulting in septic system failure. If the septic tank is too big, on the other hand, there will be plenty of space for wastewater to sit before it gets broken down. Over time this could lead to septic faults that cause backup into your home or overflow onto the septic drain field.
Use Top Quality Septic Tank
Make sure you get the highest quality septic tank available when installing a septic system. If septic tank components are made out of inferior materials, they will corrode and need to be replaced frequently.
Contact Your Local Government
When considering septic installation, make sure to contact your local code enforcement office to find out what types of septic systems are allowed in your area. If possible, try to talk with neighbors that already have septic systems to see what type they installed and whether or not it works well. Local septic companies are another good resource because many of them will know exactly what's allowed in your area.
Use A Professional
Just because you're installing your own septic doesn't mean you should do it yourself. Installing septic properly requires having the right equipment, which most homeowners won't have or be able to rent. Additionally, septic systems are not as simple as they may seem and can fail if improperly installed. In this context, it may be a better idea to consult septic installation professionals who can help you with septic installation and make sure your septic system is the proper size and the right type for your specific needs.
The Takeaway
When the septic installation is necessary, there are many things to consider to ensure it's done correctly. The septic system should be installed by a professional contractor who has all the necessary permits, equipment, and knowledge needed for the job.
For more information on septic installation, contact a company like DWR Waste Removal & Septic.