Regulating waste is an important part of your business management plan. Consider the placement of a dumpster and schedule pickups for times when you will likely have an abundance of trash that needs to be hauled away.

The Placement

A business that features roll-off containers may offer a range of services that are designed to keep business property sanitary. Roll-off dumpsters, large waste cans, sewage tanks, and portable restroom facilities are some products that a full-service rental business offers.

The location of a dumpster should be easily accessible to your employees. However, a dumpster shouldn't be placed in the direct line of motorists and pedestrians. Leaving a dumpster out in the open could lead to illegal dumping being performed on your property. The delivery person transporting the dumpster to your place of business will help you choose a level surface for the waste container.

A dumpster can be placed on any paved surface. It should not be set up near a drainfield or on another grassy surface. The weight and size of a dumpster could damage underground drain lines. The bulkiness of a dumpster will prevent sunlight from reaching the grass, which could lead to the discoloration of grass blades.

Drainage Considerations

If the rental is set up near a sewer drain, rainwater that seeps out from the dumpster will be routed toward the drain. When filling the dumpster with trash, avoid placing loose items inside of the waste container. Bag food scraps and other materials that contain liquid waste. Bagging up your trash will prevent liquid waste from clogging the sewage drain or lines that are connected to it.

The Schedule

Assess your work schedule. You may accumulate more trash on certain days of the week. If you receive a lot of inventory through a freight supplier on some days, the packaging that you need to dispose of may lead to your dumpster filling up quickly. Use your schedule to aid with setting up a waste removal plan. A service provider may offer flexible pickups that can be conducted on several days each week. Deciding to have trash hauled off frequently will eliminate dumpster overflows or offensive scents on your property.

A dumpster rental provider who offers septic services can be contracted to keep your property's drainfield and septic system maintained. If you decide to seek comprehensive sanitation services, schedule them for the same date. For more information on roll-off dumpster rentals, contact a professional near you.
