Planning an outdoor event places a huge burden on your shoulders. You must juggle between catering, guest seating, aesthetics, and security. But you must prioritize one aspect that many event organizers forget. To facilitate efficiency throughout the event, you must provide special event restrooms and ensure your guests can use them conveniently.
If you've sourced special event restrooms for rent, it's crucial to look for ways to enhance their efficiency and ease of use. Your event will host different guests with varying sanitation needs. You must consider their safety, optimal placement, and whether they are adequate for the guests in attendance.
Here are ways to optimize special event restrooms usage during your occasion.
Provide the Right Number of Restrooms
Nothing beats the vibe of a fascinating party, anniversary, or luncheon. One way of keeping your guests entertained is to provide practical sanitation services. With all the food and wine, your guests will want to use the special event restrooms you've provided conveniently. As such, you need to calculate and provide the right number of booths. If you anticipate a huge turnout, you should order more restrooms to cater for eventualities. You don't want your guests waiting impatiently to use a few units. If you're serving alcohol, you must provide more units than required.
Consider Special Cases and Kids
If your event has senior citizens, physically impaired guests, and children, you should consider their special sanitation needs. Ideally, you must provide special event restrooms with safety railings, skid-resistant floors, and assisted movement features. Restrooms with spacious ramps and adequate maneuvering space make it easy for special needs persons and kids to use them easily. You should provide ample lighting, interior locking, and privacy features. After all, you must comply with disability regulations when providing these essential amenities.
Place the Restrooms Conveniently
When planning your event, you must prioritize the placement of your special event restrooms. On one end, you want your crew to have an easy time offloading and packing them in your trucks when the event comes to an end. On the other hand, you must provide convenient access to enhance quest comfort and peace of mind. It pays to talk to a special event restrooms for rent outfit in advance. They can help you position the booths strategically and within quick reach.
Remember Hygiene and Sanitization
Providing special event restrooms is subject to a batch of health laws and regulations. You must provide sanitary products, antiseptics, disposable towels, hand washing areas, and sanitizers. It's advisable to engage a special event restrooms outfit that provides such amenities to prevent the spread of germs and viruses.
For more information, contact a local special event restrooms outfit.